Category: Project 365

My Azaleas

  Click on picture for true color with no blog bleed-thru. 
Another fabulous sunny gift of a day for us.  This weekend it is supposed to get in the mid 80’s.  At least NOW I can open my windows.
I got off the treadmill..did my modified weights (till my shoulder is healed) and here I am.  Then, me and Victoria will head out again.  I messed up royally yesterday with ALL of my pictures.  Including the buttercups.  I had to crop out those two that I showed you because the rest were just as severely over exposed as the ones I showed you and what’s more, due to the poor aperture I set, a little not in focus.  Nothing turned out well..all my problem for not going to a higher f stop.  You can’t tell either out there trying to see those screens.  Too much ambient light.  Oh well.  Live and learn.  Today’s is not exciting or particularly well done..just it is meaningful to me.  I was doing my weights a little while ago and saw the strong sunbeams pouring in and making the Christmas cactus’s leaves translucent.  I could not capture that.  I don’t have the skill or knowledge.  However..for me, it was a good picture in that seeing the sight of the sun pouring in and bathing the leaves of the plants with glow..makes me smile and be grateful every single time..unfailingly.  What is not to love?  As always, click on the picture and you’ll see the translucent quality without the muddle blog color interfering.


Saturday, April 18, 2009


The clouds have an out of focus look.  That is what drew my attention this afternoon.

“Hey there lonely girl….”

Sunday April 12, 2009

Appropriate for today.  Click for true color.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

One of the many many places we were and we didn’t get home till now. You guys were on my mind though which is why I took the picture for you.


Wednesday April 8, 2009

Hail Hail the gang’s all here!  And the fragrance of meatloaf is wafting through the house. 


Saturday April 4, 2009

With my son’s macro lens and my camera, I laid on my belly and took this photo of a violet.  A diffuser was used too.  The difference between the harsher light and the diffused..remarkable.  Be still my heart..I am in love with an excellent macro lens which now has me by the hair on the back of my head.  Oh, I wish I had one. 

Plus, I am off auto at last.  This one is aperture priority.  As always to see true color with no blog bleed thru, click on photo.


Here is my picture of the day.
By the way, the little steps by my computer desk are for Miss Catt to use so that she doesn’t have to leap up onto my lap opening up grievous wounds with her claws as she gets a grip on her way up.     Inside the steps are her toys that I rotate every month or so as she gets bored..just to answer a couple of the blog family who asked. Also, that is an ornamental porcelain cat under the desk. 
LOVING everyones computer space pics!  Let’s do living rooms next!!
I have been out getting some things accomplished and I have to go yet again in a little while.

 I did come back home with just a few things.  Those are set away and I must say that my son was the only one coming away with pictures.  It rained to beat the band, but he went to the Raptor Center and got to photograph whichever ones they brought out for about an hour and a half.  His camera and the lenses he brought are good for about a quarter inch of rain fall.

I have cooked the hummingbirds some nectar.  I decided to put it out a week ahead of time.  It’s easy to change the nectar in a few days and just in case they show up early, I want to be ready. If you do as I do and cook for your hummingbirds, please use 1 cup of sugar and 4 cups of water.  Stir, bring to a boil and remove from the heat until cooled.  Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator.  Use as needed.  Please never ever ever use honey or artificial sweeteners.  You will harm the birds if you do.   Use granulated white sugar.  The bringing the nectar to a boil is to help it stay as bacteria free as possible.  Please change the nectar every week or even more often when the weather is hot.  It will sour or form mold if you don’t.

I had to lay in several cases of Miss Catt’s favorite Fancy Feast, as her preferred flavor, hearts and livers, seem only be in one store.  And they were out. But she had me stock up while in Charlotte.  Good thing her main diet is dry Science Diet.

Here is my picture of the day.  I was hoping the tulips would open up but they are still furled so..I found another friendly face for us.