I just came in from weeding and now I need to clean the tub and enclosure and vanity.  I am trying to put it off so here I am. 

I have a BIG pot of vegetable beef soup going.  No veggies yet, still boiling the beef and onion and tomatoes.  I need to test the meat and see if it’s time yet to add veggies and I still have to peel and chop them. A woman’s work..it really is never done.

Someone here raced me down the hall early early after her breakfast and landed in the bed before I could reach over there to start making it.  So, I had to wait till 1130.

Horst..if you are reading this and Neora..what are you going to do about your blogs? Sherry?  Any others in the blog family that don’t already have a Blogger one?